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Giving Back

Giving back

Hunger: Breaking (and Sharing) Bread

I’m struck once again by the cyclical nature of the universe. Different times, different responses, same problem – a world full of hunger. This month marks seventy years since Harry Truman broadcast the first televised address from the White House. Since most...

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Harry Truman on the back of a train
Giving backSustainability

Are You Hungry For More?

Or are you just hungry? My guess is that you are sitting at your computer or with your iPad and finishing off your Morning Joe & Scone. Or maybe it's a green smoothie. A Starbucks triple double frapalatte? Whatever it was or whenever you are reading this, I...

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Hunger - many hands reach for one orange

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Meet Katy

Well, hello there! I’m Katy. And I’m all about Palate & Passion & Purpose. I’ve spent my whole life weaving together a passion for food, entertaining, and enjoying family & friends with a purpose for improving the lives of others. There’s no better way to live with purpose than to break bread with others. See how that all came full circle? And…I was lucky enough to make a career out of doing so!

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