Looking for a side dish with a new twist? You have come to the right place. Interesting sides can really elevate a meal. This celery root slaw looks like the celeri remoulade I made weekly during my days in Paris. But shhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It’s got two secret ingredients that are a refreshing surprise – white cheddar and grated apple. You cannot tell by looking, but one bite and you’ll be a convert. And this Texmati Rice & Grilled Veggie Bowl is a side that does it all – part salad, part starch, part veggie and 100% tasty.
Do not come here if you are looking for a basic mayo-sodden coleslaw. Mais, no! Firecracker Cole Slaw relies on black sesame seed for the firecrackers, and sour cream and buttermilk for a creamy, yet tangy dressing. And if you love a good Tuscan bread salad – Panzanella, in Italian – here you go. I first came across this concept when working with famed London River Café chefs for the Today Show. Their dressing was a laborious squeezing of fresh tomatoes, but I have subbed in canned tomato juice that not only saves times but gives uniform success, regardless of the season. The salad is colorful, umami-rich with the anchovies, and a site for sore eyes. Best to make it during peak tomato season, though the dressing works all year round. But, don’t miss these Indian spiced potatoes or this corn and tomato salad that I call Everything But the Farmer, Farmers’ Market Salad!!
Rustic Tuscan Panzanella Bread Salad: Best-Ever Bread Salad with Peak of the Season Tomatoes
This time of year when the tomatoes are hanging ripe and juicy, heavy on the vine I am often reminded of two lively ladies from London whom I met styling Panzanella Bread Salad at the Today Show for their River Café Cookbook. Rose Gray and Ruth Rogers set up shop...
Salad Days of Summer: Farm Fresh Summer Squash & Arugula Salad
How is it exactly that "Salad Days" has gone from meaning green and naïve (Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra) to the more current American connotation of being at one’s heyday or pinnacle? So American, right? Wait long enough and it can mean whatever you want. ...
Firecracker Cole Slaw – a Side with More than a Little Sass
Okay, Okay, Okay!! I heard you already. I have been getting a lot of requests for the Firecracker Cole Slaw that got a fleeting mention at the end of the burger pot lucky post. I guess it’s time. This is a recipe adapted from my very first menu at New World...
Summer Grilling: South of the Border Texmati Rice & Grilled Veggie Salad Bowl
Sponsored by RiceSelect It was a perfect confluence of events. I was invited to a dedication at a local yacht club, complete with naval officers and Girl Scouts, and asked to bring a side to share. I had just loaded up with fresh corn, heirloom tomatoes, peppers...
Turmeric: It Cures What Ails You and Makes a Mean Curry
You know a movement has had its awareness sufficiently raised when a blithe reference slips into a throw-away line on a sitcom. After two posts on food waste last week, imagine my squeals when I heard this from a waiter at a hip millennial launch party on a newish...

Meet Katy
Well, hello there! I’m Katy. And I’m all about Palate & Passion & Purpose. I’ve spent my whole life weaving together a passion for food, entertaining, and enjoying family & friends with a purpose for improving the lives of others. There’s no better way to live with purpose than to break bread with others. See how that all came full circle? And…I was lucky enough to make a career out of doing so!