Savvy Kitchen Tips
Here is a collection of articles that do a deeper dive on kitchen know-how. More than recipes, they go behind the scenes and explain the Hows and the Whys. Need to know what to give the foodie in your life or what equipment is my go-to brand? Do you know the difference in a Béchamel, Mornay or Velouté? Want perfect roast turkey, cheesecake that doesn’t crack, lump-free mash potatoes using a potato ricer and how to avoid a soggy bottom fruit pie ? They are just a few of the many tips to get you cooking like a pro. If you hit a challenge you can’t find an answer to here, reach out using the contact form at the bottom of this page! Reach out anytime! Here to help!
Deconstructed Grilled Caesar Salad
About a zillion years ago, I opened New World Grill, a great little American bistro tucked into New York City’s theater district. We had what I still consider today to be an acid test Caesar salad. It was served in a pre-chilled bowl which was kinda fancy for a...
Summer Entertaining – Graduation, Father’s Day, & Grilling!
I just had the chance to join Maranda on WOTV 4 Women’s program Maranda Where You Live to share with her viewers some ideas on how to zhouzz up a party –in this case graduation – by adding a few easy details that give it real style. For entertaining, like...
Hungry for More? Turkey Tetrazzini – The Let’s-Keep-This-Party-Rolling Leftover Fave
Are you full yet? I know. I know. The mind reels that we are still talking about food. But trust me - this dish does not disappoint. And, be honest. Turkey sandwiches start to feel redundant. Turkey Tetrazzini, a dish I grew up on, however is creamy, hearty, and...
Thanksgiving Essentials: Roast Turkey Perfection and Gimme-More Gravy
Nary has a Thanksgiving rolled by that I am not peppered with queries from dawn to dusk. I heed the call, alternating with “Gobble Gobble” and “Butterball Hotline.” This year, I say bring it on. I’ve got nothing but time. Yup! I have already cooked my...
Summer Fruit Pot Pie: New Duds for an Old Fruit Pie Friend
I can see the problem you are having. A giant mound of peach perfection and you are so tired of fruit pie and cobbler (Okay, we should probably admit that is NOT really a thing, being tired of pie and cobbler). But it’s a holiday weekend and you MUST use that...

Meet Katy
Well, hello there! I’m Katy. And I’m all about Palate & Passion & Purpose. I’ve spent my whole life weaving together a passion for food, entertaining, and enjoying family & friends with a purpose for improving the lives of others. There’s no better way to live with purpose than to break bread with others. See how that all came full circle? And…I was lucky enough to make a career out of doing so!